I’ve already written a blog post on this topic : https://tcollignon.github.io/2016/12/04/How-to-compile-JSP-with-Tomcat-and-Maven-faster.html Meanwhile, I have proposed some PR to the project https://github.com/leonardehrenfried/jspc-mave…
When I must pre-compile JSP with tomcat, it’s usually pain because it takes a lot of time. Let’s see How compile this faster. How to compile JSP If I must compile…
As it mentionned in this excellent article : https://wiki.apache.org/tomcat/HowTo/FasterStartUp, tomcat will be very faster to start-up if you add some parameter to the out-of-the-box version. This table show How-To accomplished…
This mecanism allow user to start webapp in tomcat 8 without packaging (like WAR). This is interesting in development, to run application as fast as possible. In Tomcat 6x, 7x this is called Virtual Web…